
Workpool Details

This is the main workpool detail screen. It shows all encounters assigned to the workpool, what stage they are in, who they are assigned to, a general overview of the state of the encounter including DRG changes and queries on the encounter, an overview of the average coder accuracy for all encounters in the workpool, and has many administrative options.
Workpool Details

Assigned User Chart

1. Assigned User Chart
This chart displays the amount of encounters assigned to each user so relative workloads can be easily identified.

Average Coder Accuracy

2. Average Coder Accuracy
This gauge shows the average coder accuracy for all charts in the workpool.

Progress Chart

3. Progress Chart
This pie chart shows the number of charts still in the Audit stage (blue) versus QC (yellow) and Completed (green) charts.

Administrative Links

4. Administrative Links
These links are used by administrators and managers to oversee workpool options.
Add/Remove Users: This link allows the manager to add or remove auditors from the workpool. Only auditors in the workpool can audit charts in the workpool.
Manage Temp Staff: This link allows the manager to Edit, Merge, or make temp staff permanent in the system.
Assign Charts: This link allows the manager to assign specific charts to specific users. Only assigned auditors can audit assigned charts.
Reassign Charts: This link allows the manager to bulk reassign charts from one user to another.

Reporting Links

5. Reporting Links
Various report links are displayed here.
Reporting: Links to the Reporting section of the application.
Narrative Report: This link preapres a custom narrative report in Microsoft Word format and downloads it to the user's machine.
Account Details: Shows details of all accounts with changes in a single view.
Download Audit Score Card: Prepares and zips a file containing a Comparative DRG Audit Summary report and a DRG Audit Scorecard report for each facility in the parent client.
Download Final Report Package: Prepares and zips a file containing a Payer report and a DRG Executive Summary report for the parent facility.

Miscellaneous/Chart Links

6. Miscellaneous/Chart Links
Various miscellaneous and chart related links are shown here.
More Statistics: Displays a page listing the total encounters, total reimbursement variance, top 5 DRGs, and top 5 diagnosis errors for the workpool.
Audit Summary: Displays a page showing an overall audit summary for the workpool.
Select Charts: Opens the Select Charts page where a manager can select imported/coded charts to add to the workpool.
Enter Chart: Opens the Chart Settings dialog where an auditor can search for an existing demographic-only chart to begin coding, or can create an new encounter and begin coding.

Enter Encounter Link

7. Enter Encounter Link
Click the encounter number to enter the chart for auditing or, if assigned, to go to the encounter display view.


8. Stage
Clicking this button allows a manager to change the stage of an encounter. For example, if a completed chart needs to be re-audited this is how this is accomplished.


9. Remove
Removes the encounter from the workpool.


10. Unassign
If an encounter is reserved to a user, clicking this button removes that reservation so other auditors can audit the encounter.