
Service Provider Index

The service provider index displays all existing service providers in the system and provides links to view and create clients, list or create workpool type categories, list or create service-level users, and create new or edit existing service providers.
Service Provider Index

Create New

Service Provider Link

1. Create New 
Service Provider Link
Follow this link to create a new service provider.

View & Create

Client Links

2. View & Create 
Client Links
Follow these links to view and create clients.

View & Create

Workpool Type Category Links

3. View & Create 
Workpool Type Category Links

View & Register

Service Level User Links

4. View & Register 
Service Level User Links
Follow these links to list or create service-level users.

Service Provider

Action Links

5. Service Provider
Action Links
Follow these links to edit the service provider name, see the details of the service provider, go to the service provider status page, or delete (mark inactive) the service provider.