
Facility Index

This page lists all facilities that reside under the current client.
Facilities provide a logical organizational unit with which to organize your operational work and protect your facility information. Facilties have workpools that contain the accounts that are to be audited or coded. The facility layer allows you to control access to multiple workpools making organization of auditor and coder work duties simple and efficient.
Facility Index

Create New Facility Link

1. Create New Facility Link
Follow this link to create a new facility.

View & Create

Workpool Links

2. View & Create
Workpool Links
View: Follow this link to view the workpool index.
Create: Follow this link to create a new workpool.

View & Register

User Links

3. View & Register
User Links
View: Follow this link to view the facility-level user index.
Register: Follow this link to create a new facility-level user.

View & Create

Financial Class Links

4. View & Create
Financial Class Links
View: Follow this link to view the financial class index.
Create: Follow this link to create a new financial class.

Facility Action Links

5. Facility Action Links
Edit: Follow this link to edit the selected facility.
Details: Follow this link to view the details of the selected facility.
Status: Follow this link to selected facility getting started page.
Delete: Click this to set the current facility to inactive status.
Procedure Code Override: Follow this link to the procedure code override page.