
Edit Physician

Edit Physician

Display Name

1. Display Name
Set the display name for the physician.

External ID

2. External ID
Set the external id for the physician. This is the id that is used during encounter import to determine if the physician already exists in the facility.
If so, the existing physician is linked to the encounter, otherwise the physician is added to the system.
The display name and external id are usually the same, but this is not a requirement.

Temporary Record Flag

3. Temporary Record Flag
Set the temporary record flag for the physician.

Active Flag

4. Active Flag
Set this option to false to inactivate the physician in the system. The physician will not be selectable if this is set to false.

Create Button

5. Create Button
Click this to add the physician to the database.

Back to List Link

6. Back to List Link
Follow this link to return to the physician index.