
Create Reason

This page is used to create a new reason in the system.
Create Reason

Reason Display Name

1. Reason Display Name
Set the reason narrative here.

Reason Validity Options

2. Reason Validity Options
Each reason is valid for one or multiple types of codes. Use these options to set where the reason will be selectable by an auditor.
For example, if you want a reason to only be available for an ICD-10 PRX, click the checkbox beside the ValidForPrincipleDiagnosis and ValidForIcd10 checkboxes.

Reason Sort Order

3. Reason Sort Order
This number sets the display order of the reason in the reason list.

Reason Active Flag

4. Reason Active Flag
This sets whether or not the reason is active (visible/selectable) to the auditor in the reason list.

Create Reason Button

5. Create Reason Button
Click this button to add the reason to the system.